All trucks full

We appreciate your loyalty and support. Trucks are fully sold now for all our 2024 trips. No additional orders can be taken. Ordering for next year will open in April, 2025.

Browse Selections

peaches.jpgPlease review our fruit offerings and notes about each variety. Some require special attention to yield the flavor we all crave.  Love your fruit and it will return the favor.

Our Dried Fruits and Nuts are only available on Trip 1.  These orders must be placed by MAY 11 in order to guarantee delivery.

Browse Produce >

Place Your Order

basket.jpgWe have a secure ordering system based on user accounts. If you are new or haven't ordered since 2014, you'll need to Create an Account.

Once you login, you may place orders and manage your profile.   If you pre-pay, your contact information is pre-filled for you.

Place Order >

Pickup Locations

pin.jpgPlease review our locations page carefully  because sometimes locations, days, and times have changed.  We really want you to be at the same place we are.

Cordova fruit must be ordered online and paid ahead of time so that fruit can be shipped.  The contact person is listed on our locations page.

Pickup Locations >


California Peaches Ad – 1983

Summer Fruit – 1981

Fresh Summer Fruit Jingle – 1984

Contact Info >

Pickup Locations

Phone: 907.472.1010